The most important word

Oliver Brown being sly in the Telegraph:

Valentina Petrillo, the Italian father-of-two who qualified on Friday for a second semi-final of these Paris Paralympics in women’s sprinting, has hit back at being called an “out-and-proud cheat” by author JK Rowling, saying: “I’ve never even read Harry Potter.”

Nicely done. The father-of-two in women’s sprinting, who retorts to criticism with a fatuous irrelevance.

Despite the backlash, Petrillo claimed: “There is so much transphobia in all this. The most important word in Olympic and Paralympic sports is inclusion.”

No it isn’t. Of course it isn’t. How could it be? Sports are about competition, which means there are losers along with winners, and in fact there are far more losers than winners. At any rate what he means by “inclusion” is, of course, allowing men like him to compete against women…but only one or two at a time. He doesn’t want inclusion of all the men, of course, because then he would lose. He wants “inclusion” of a very small number of cheaters like him so that he can win. For now, he’s getting exactly what he wants, to the dismay and disgust of people who have any sense.

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