The Department of Corrections has a genner idenniny policy

When you can’t choose your roommates:

Female inmates at the women’s prison in Shakopee, Minnesota have come forward to report disturbing behavior from the trans-identified males housed at their facility. Former inmate Rebeca Warmbo alerted Reduxx to the situation and has been communicating with women inside Shakopee, who reveal the male transfers are making them feel “unsafe” and “scared” for their lives.

Well, sorry, but that doesn’t matter when men want to pretend to be women and be up close and personal. Sucks to be you.

As Reduxx reported last month, a total of five male convicts have been transferred to a Minnesota’s women-only prison following the adoption of a gender identity policy by the Department of Corrections in January of 2023. Two of the men who are now being held at MCF-Shakopee are sexual predators serving sentences related to the abuse of children.

Ah good choice. Couldn’t be something like stealing or fraud, no, has to be violence and abuse, so that the women will feel really unnerved. How nice people are.

The prison policy was altered following a June 2022 lawsuit against the Minnesota Department of Corrections which ultimately resulted in the implementation of measures permitting male convicts to be housed in the female estate.

The discrimination claim was filed by the trans activist non-profit organization Gender Justice on behalf of Craig ‘Christina’ Lusk, who was serving a five-year sentence for the possession of methamphetamine at the Moose Lake correctional facility for men. In order to aid their legal fight to have violent men placed into the women’s prison, Gender Justice was granted nearly $500,000 in taxpayer funds from the administration of Governor Tim Walz.

The glorious fight to put violent men in women’s prisons.

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