The countless ways

As promised or threatened, continuing with Mister Friendly and his hostility to people who don’t fervently endorse every claim of every branch of trans ideology.

He insisted sex is binary, that trans women are more likely to be sexual predators (using misleading statistics) etc etc…

Along the way, he just ignored the countless ways the trans community is under attack, largely by people making similar arguments.

Notice that trans people are called a “community” while people who interrogate broad claims about what being trans means are not. Mehta might as well talk about the white hat people and the black hat people, or the good people and the bad people, or the angels and the vermin. Or even the healthy people and the sick ones. Oh right, he did that last one.

But the problem wasn’t just that he wrote the piece. It was that the Freedom From Religion Foundation, a group that I believe does excellent work defending church/state separation, published it on their own blog.

Note the absent-minded egotism there – the problem was that the FFRF, a group that all-important I endorse…

It takes real self-admiration, that.

But here’s some welcome news: All three of those men have now resigned from that board. The trash is taking itself out.

Friendly. Friendly friendly friendly.

He quotes Jerry Coyne

I will add one more thing. The gender ideology which caused you to take down my article is itself quasi-religious, having many aspects of religions and cults, including dogma, blasphemy, belief in what is palpably untrue (“a woman is whoever she says she is”), apostasy, and a tendency to ignore science when it contradicts a preferred ideology.

and all but bursts into flames of indignation:

That last part is Coyne showing his whole ass to everyone. Apparently acknowledging the humanity of trans people, and defending their civil rights, and not falling for right-wing lies about who they are is a religion unto itself.

No, not apparently at all. That’s not what Coyne said, and there’s no reason to think it’s what he meant. The gender ideology does have a lot in common with religion, absolutely including dogma, blasphemy, belief in nonsensical bullshit, apostasy, and an allergy to science. Mehta is displaying much of that list in this very post of his.

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