The capture

A damning summing up:

JK Rowling is leading calls for resignations across Scotland’s rape crisis service after a report found a centre in Edinburgh had “damaged” survivors.

It’s not so much that she’s leading them, I think, as it is that she’s got the clout to get people to listen. Maybe that’s what “leading” means in this context, but I doubt she wants to be portrayed as the boss, or to get all the credit.

The author intervened after Mridul Wadhwa, a trans woman, quit as chief executive of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC) having been found to have “failed to set professional standards of behaviour” and for not understanding “the limits on her role’s authority”.

Pff. He systematically bullied everyone there, especially the women who needed the service.

For critics of Rape Crisis Scotland, the row erupting about ERCC symbolises the ideological capture of the Scottish government by trans activists.

It is the ideological capture. No need for symbolism; it’s the thing itself.

This week’s report on the ERCC, commissioned by Rape Crisis Scotland, found that Wadhwa had failed to ensure the centre carried out its primary function: to deliver services to women and girls who have experienced sexual violence.

Its practices “caused damage” to survivors and some “did not feel safe” using it, according to the author, Vicky Ling, a legal specialist.

During her research, Ling asked the ERCC for further information on the women-only services it provided but was told there was “very little demand” for them.

Anyone believe that? Anyone at all?

It emerged that for a 16-month period until February this year “there were no protected women-only spaces available through ERCC unless they were specifically requested”.

These people make me feel stabby.

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