Tell us, bro, what do you think of women?

From Reduxx:

Northern Ireland’s Parliament Invites Trans Identified Male To Speak On “Gender-Based Violence” After Spike In Femicide Deaths

A trans-identified male was invited to speak in Northern Ireland’s parliament on “gender-based violence” and “LGBT youth education” following the brutal murders of four women in the country in just six weeks.

Why? Why ask a male when there are nearly a million women in Northern Ireland?

Alexa Moore, a male who identifies as a “woman,” was invited by the education committee this week to speak on an inquiry into relationships and sexuality education (RSE) in schools. Alongside Moore, Sophie Nelson from HERe NI, a Belfast-based community organization and registered charity for lesbian and bisexual women, also gave evidence.

But during the meeting, Nelson spoke about the recent killings, stating: “We have an epidemic here of gender-based violence and the prevention of this needs to start in school.”

Notably, Moore has previously made controversial social media posts describing women critical of gender ideology as “fascists” for seeking to uphold women’s single-sex spaces.

It’s not fascist for women to want a refuge from dangerous men. It’s a good deal more “fascist” for men to abuse women for wanting spaces away from men.

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