
Brighton and Hove News on that rally on Sunday:

A group of women took shelter in a shop when they were surrounded by dozens of protesters who followed them after they left a rally in Brighton yesterday (Sunday 23 June).

Several of those taking part in the rally yesterday complained that they were subject to aggressive abuse from about 200 protesters who mainly described themselves as trans rights activists.

Let Women Speak tweeted that Sussex Police had shown a “failure to act on multiple breaches of the peace, harassment and intimidation”, with footage on social media capturing several incidents including scuffles. And several of the women were alarmed to see and hear Sarah Jane Baker, also known as Alan Baker, with a megaphone in the ranks of the protesters. Baker spent 30 years in prison for kidnap and torture and later for attempted murder. The former Lewes inmate – pictured a few years ago carrying a sign saying “Kill JK Rowling” – was recalled to prison last year for breaching parole conditions.

But on Sunday there he was at the rally, merrily threatening women who dare to defend women’s rights.

One member of the audience said that many of those present were survivors of male sexual violence and abuse and were disappointed that the police had not provided better protection from harassment and intimidation. She said that the police had allowed the protesters – many of them men hiding their identity behind masks – to get too close and to keep up a menacing barrage of aggressive verbal abuse. She added that the police had protected the protesters’ freedom of speech and right to protest at the expense of the women’s freedom of speech and right to assemble for a peaceful rally.

Naturally. Women are stupid or malevolent or both; the only decent kind of woman is a trans one.

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