Suddenly teetering

Yeah good luck with that “damage control” thing.

With countless calls and a rush of campaign events, the president’s team began a damage-control effort to pressure and plead with anxious Democratic lawmakers, surrogates, activists and donors.

But pressure and pleading aren’t going to turn back the clock. They’re not going to make Biden any younger or sharper or more robust.

Later on Friday, top White House aides worked the phones, with Mr. Biden’s chief of staff, Jeff Zients, calling the Democratic leader of the Senate, Chuck Schumer, to check in, according to a person familiar with the call. And by the afternoon, the Biden campaign had transformed its weekly all-staff call into a virtual pep talk to dispel any doubts creeping into the campaign offices in Wilmington, Del., and beyond.

Well they should stop doing that. This is like racing toward the middle of a bridge that has just broken in half.

This isn’t a damn football game or sheep-shearing contest. This is whether we do or do not have Donald Trump destroying everything for another four years. Everybody needs to put ego aside and focus.

But they won’t, I suppose. Maybe they can’t. Maybe it just isn’t possible.

The 48 hours after the debate were a frenzied campaign within a campaign to save Mr. Biden’s suddenly teetering candidacy, a multiday damage-control effort to pressure and plead with anxious Democratic lawmakers, surrogates, activists and donors to stand by the president, the party’s presumptive nominee.

But they shouldn’t. The grim reality is that age hasn’t slowed Trump down but it definitely has slowed Biden down, and everyone can see that, and it’s not going to work out well.

I have no idea how they could go about swapping someone else for Biden, but if they don’t, we’re on the slide into hell.

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