Such disputes

The Telegraph on the Deep Rifts:

It was an inauspicious start to Britain’s biggest LGBT celebration.

In a social media post featuring the rainbow flag and entitled “Can men get ovarian cancer?”, the charity Ovarian Cancer Action said it was marking the start of Pride Month by reminding its followers that “anyone with ovaries, regardless of gender identity, can be at risk for ovarian cancer”.

Last year, Oxfam was forced to apologise after posting an animation for Pride Month featuring a character who many said resembled JK Rowling, depicted with red eyes and wearing a badge bearing the word “Terf”…

Such disputes may on the surface appear minor, but there are worries among those who were there in the early days of the Pride marches that they are a sign of a more dangerous malaise. They warn that transgender activism has sown bitter divisions within the LGBT community and is now threatening to derail the movement they helped to build.

Nah such disputes don’t seem minor, not unless you’re dropping in from Planet Zog and know nothing about any of it. Of course they’re a sign of a “dangerous malaise”; in fact they are the dangerous malaise. Women are entirely fed up with being pushed to the margins of everything including feminism by men wearing lipstick.

“The big division has been around the idea of believing that trans women are women,” says Simon Fanshawe, one of the founding members of Stonewall

And around being forced to say it, and ferociously punished if you refuse.

Liane Timmermann, a member of “Get the L Out”, says: “Pride was previously a political movement for lesbians and gays and then it was totally hijacked by this gender-identity movement. “Trans activists have got higher up on the Pride board and it’s just become shocking. Lesbians who are same-sex attracted are not welcome at Pride now.”

Read the whole thing.

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