Strip away what now?

We keep bumping into the black box issue. It is, of course, one of the core problems with this ridiculous ideology/mooovement – pinning down wtf it’s about, what it expects, what in hell it’s talking about. What, exactly, do you mean by “trans rights”? What do you mean by “equality”? How do you know any of the claims you make are true or reasonable or compatible with other people’s rights? Where do you get all this?

Case in point:

What, exactly, are these “trans rights” that people are stripping away?

Until we’re informed, I suppose we have to assume it’s the usual nonsense about being “affirmed” as what they are not. But that’s not a right. I know I’ve said that several billion times, but it doesn’t get said enough by other people. There is no such thing as a right to be “affirmed” as X with X being “whatever you say you are.” I don’t have any right to say I’m a tree or a piano or a bag of tortilla chips and force everyone else to affirm what I say. That’s not a right; it bears no resemblance to a right.

Maybe he means also, or instead, the rights that would flow from that affirmation? The right to be hired for jobs that only women can do, the right to go into places that are reserved for women, the right to enter contests for women, the right to compete against women in swimming and volleyball and cycling and above all boxing.

But that putative right would depend on the authenticity of the first right, the right to be “affirmed” as the sex you’re not, and that is not a right.

It’s odd that so many people pretend it is a right. Maybe we just haven’t talked about it enough yet. How is it a right for men to force everyone to agree that they’re women? (It applies with the sexes reversed too of course, but the violations of real rights are much less glaring and grotesque when it’s women claiming to be men.) Seriously: how is that a right? Please explain.

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