Stop that cease-fire!
Trump wants more people to die in order to boost his chances in the election.
Donald Trump has been speaking with the powers that be about Israel’s war on Gaza—but it’s not in an effort to end the genocide.
Instead, Trump has allegedly been talking with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to avert a cease-fire deal, fearing that doing so could help Vice President Kamala Harris win in November, according to PBS.
That’s right, he’s trying to block a cease-fire for the sake of his job prospects.
Donald Trump tries to stop something that wasn’t going to happen anyway; sounds just about within his capabilities.
At least Trump makes life easy for policy wonks. Whatever he says, just do the opposite.
Republicans have form on this.
Nixon sent Kissinger to North Vietnam to stall peace talks with the Johnson administration, specifically telling the North Vietnamese that they’d get a better deal from his administration if he was elected.
Regan signaled the Iranians not to release the hostages until he was elected.