Stop doing that; we’ll define “that” later

Here we go again. We’re not allowed to have opinions because opinions interfere with communninny coheesion. The only way to have communninny coheesion is for everyone to agree on everything all the time.

Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner has said the Government is “actively considering” its approach to islamophobia in devising a full definition following far-right riots.

Ms Rayner, also the Communities Secretary, criticised the previous government for “stoking division” as she pledged to address issues of community cohesion.

I hate to tell her but Rayner is stoking division by trying to tell people what they’re allowed to say and think and dislike.

In 2019, the all-party parliamentary group (APPG) on British Muslims devised a definition of islamophobia as “rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.”

Hooboy, that’s seriously stupid. One, Muslim is not a race; two, religions have to be open to criticism and dispute and flat rejection, because they have massive ambitions to tell us what we’re allowed to do and say and think. It’s not racism to reject Islam.

Reform UK MP Lee Anderson (Ashfield) asked what the Government’s definition of islamophobia is.

Ms Rayner replied: “A new definition must be given careful consideration so that it comprehensively reflects multiple perspectives and considers potential implications for different communities. And we’re actively considering our approach to Islamophobia, including definitions, and we’ll provide further updates on this in due course.”

Erm, shouldn’t they have done that before rather than after calling for new rules against “Islamophobia”? If they don’t know what it is, what are they even talking about?

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