Square that circle

Seattle Center – the site of a long-ago world’s fair, with theaters and galleries and landscaped open space – has a large block of restrooms aka toilets, with one set labeled women and the other men, in the familiar way, but also now sporting a sign that says (paraphrasing from memory) “you can use whichever restroom you feel comfortable in.” Of course it enrages me anew every time I walk past it, but not just for the obvious reason. The slightly less obvious reason is the idiocy of the wording, because if some hulking guy “feels comfortable” stomping right on into the women’s toilets then guess who no longer does “feel comfortable” – eh?

So. Yeah.

Same fucking thing. “We’re all simply using the facilities we feel safe in.” No we’re not, you stupid fucks, not any more, because this whole stupid poster is one long invitation to men to make sure we don’t feel safe no matter which facilities we set foot in.

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