Shills for Mohammed

NPR wants women to conceal their slutty hair.

When the 2024 Olympics start this week, France won’t allow its athletes to wear headscarves during the games – seemingly in contrast with the Olympic charter’s calls for respect of religion and protection of human rights.

Rules about what competitors can wear are secular and impartial. Religion is simply beside the point.

A recent report from Amnesty International calls France’s restrictions on religious attire blatant discrimination and a researcher for the human rights nonprofit told NPR’s Morning Edition that, beyond being unfair, the move could cause systemic issues for women athletes in France.

The bans have a wider impact on women in sports, dashing the hopes of female athletes in France, said Anna Błuś, a researcher for Amnesty International. Amateur soccer, basketball and volleyball leagues also don’t permit women to wear hijabs during play.

Because the rules have to be the same for everyone.

The International Olympic Committee said in a statement to NPR that the host country considers athletes representing it as civil servants.

“This means that they must respect the principles of secularism and neutrality, which, according to French law, means prohibition from wearing outwardly religious symbols, including the hijab, veil and headscarf when they are acting in their official capacity and on official occasions as members of the French national team,” the statement read. “The same secular approach also applies, for instance, to civil servants and teachers.”

What I’m saying. The games are secular – that means neutral. NPR is siding with theocracy. Don’t be like NPR.

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