She’s proud of calling women names

The Guardian has a long piece on Mhairi Black, who is retiring from her job as as MP for Paisley and Renfrewshire South.

Swinney took up his position as first minister with a pledge to “govern from the mainstream” and many of Black’s colleagues have expressed concern at a growing perception among voters that the SNP is distracted and divided over gender issues at the expense of their doorstep concerns.

With a general election looming, Black is a pragmatist. “I think that progressing trans rights is absolutely the right thing to do, but during a cost of living crisis I can understand why people get frustrated with it,” she says. While she provoked anger when she dismissed gender-critical feminists as “50-year-old Karens”, she says she is proud for “sticking up for trans people. I think that I will look back on it in years to come and think: ‘Fair play to you, that wasn’t easy, it wasn’t popular, but it was the right thing.’”

Well of course she thinks that, because it’s what she’s thought all along. And of course she’s not ashamed of her contempt for women, because she thinks she’s on The Right Side of ______. And of course there is no pause to spell out exactly what “trans rights” we’re talking about, and whether or not they impinge on women’s rights, and whether or not Mhairi Black really ought to give a shit about it.

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