
The punchline of the now notorious “What is a woman?” by Kat Grant that has caused all this marching up and down is one of the silliest punchlines ever punched, and the need to say why has been bugging me for a couple of days now.

Remember it? Short, and absurd. “A woman is whoever she says she is.”

And by “she” Kat Grant means anyone who says she is, by which she means anyone who says she is, by which…

Infinite regress, but also, infinite nonsense. Is that a special privilege granted to women? Do men have to stick to the truth while women get to claim to be anything and everything and it will be true because it’s a woman saying it? If so, won’t that create a certain amount of confusion?

But also, of course, if a woman is whoever she says she is then actually all a man has to do is say “I’m a woman” and he is a woman. How do we know? Because he said he is, and a woman is whoever she says she is.

I could go on this way all night, but won’t. But I do wonder why Kat Grant is so pleased with her absurd tautology, and why FFRF saw fit to publish it.

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