Roxanne Tickle tells a bunch of lies


‘Stolen years of my life’: Roxanne Tickle speaks after landmark ‘what is a woman’ case win

Landmark demolition of women’s rights you mean. It’s a win for piggy men who want to take what women have, and a loss for women who want to keep what women have.

Roxanne Tickle is relieved her legal case sparked by a ban from a female-only app is over, saying it has “stolen the last three years” of her life.

Liar liar liar liar. He’s the one who stole years. He didn’t have to try to force himself on a bunch of women.

Speaking outside the Federal Court in Sydney following the decision on Friday, Tickle said she was generally able to be herself and live a normal life.

“But a small group of people have taken it upon themselves to declare that I am not who I know I am, and they have set about making my life miserable,” she said.

Again: that’s a stupid ugly lie. He intruded on Giggle, not the other way around.

Tickle became emotional as she recounted how she had felt after learning on Tuesday that a decision in the case would be made this week.

“I’ve been bursting into tears at different moments because I knew soon this would all be over,” she said, her voice breaking.

Oh fuck off, SBS (there is no byline on this pile of dung). He’s not the victim here. He’s loving every minute of it.

She said the ruling shows that “all women are protected from discrimination”.

No, it shows that men like Tickle can stomp all over women.

Sex Discrimination Commissioner Anna Cody said the judgment sent the message that Australia wanted “an inclusive society in which all can participate”, including trans people. She dismissed a reporter’s suggestion the decision redefined what a woman was and would allow men into women-only spaces.

“The judge found there are 30 years of legal precedent … that ‘women’ includes trans women,” Cody said. “This isn’t a new or landmark decision in that way — it is recognising … that is a part of our law.”

Equality Australia CEO Anna Brown said Justice Bromwich had “sensibly interpreted the law”.

That’s the Sex Discrimination Commissioner and the Equality Australia CEO.

I despair.

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