Remember the swing voters

Eli Stokols at Politico on the other hand thinks Trump’s game of Tease the Black Journalists blew up in his face.

“She was always of Indian heritage and she was only promoting Indian heritage,” Trump said, prompting audible gasps and murmurs, according to reporters in the room. “I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago until she happened to turn Black and now she wants to be known as Black.”

Trump continued to make the same point about Harris’ ancestry even as one of the moderators, ABC News’ Rachel Scott, interjected that Harris attended an historically Black college and has always identified as Black.

“She was Indian all the way and then all of the sudden she made a turn and she became a Black person,” Trump said.

The interview marked Trump’s first major attempt to pivot a campaign designed to defeat Biden toward a younger and more challenging opponent, and laid bare the difficulties the Republican nominee and his movement more broadly may have in taking on a woman of color without veering into misogynistic, racist invective. While many in Trump’s base may agree with his blunt assessment of Harris as a political token, it may reinforce the former president’s vulnerabilities with swing voters heading into the final stretch of what looks to be a very close election.

Ah the swing voters. I always forget about the swing voters. They’re too subtle for me.

Just hours after the event, Trump appeared to double down on the idea that people of mixed backgrounds can’t identify as more than one ethnicity, posting a video on his Truth Social account showing Harris, in his words, “saying she’s Indian, not Black” and calling her a “stone cold phony.”

Ok so Trump is 100% German; his mother’s contribution has nothing to do with the matter, he’s all his father’s idenniny. Hey I don’t make the rules.

Trump’s comments about Harris’ mixed heritage drew an immediate rebuke from the White House, where press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was read Trump’s quote questioning Harris’ race during a press briefing.

“As a person of color, as a Black woman in this position … what he just said, what you just read out to me is repulsive, it’s insulting,” Jean-Pierre said in response. “No one has any right to tell someone how they identify. “

Repulsive and insulting are of course the goal.

In his most watched public appearance since Harris took over for Biden atop the Democratic ticket, Trump’s coarse, cutting and at times snappish responses, including calling one of Scott’s questions “nasty,” showed him to be very much the same person he has always been despite the assassination attempt earlier this month that he initially claimed had changed his outlook and approach.

Yeah well nobody believed that. Nothing changes Trump. Nothing can change Trump. He has this little tiny core character-engine and all it can do is turn out the same old crap. It can’t be altered in any way, it can only be turned off.

Trump took issue with the first question he was asked, as Scott ticked off a number of past comments that many have seen as racist: questioning former President Barack Obama’s American citizenship, telling four congresswomen of color to go back to where they came from, describing Black district attorneys as animals and attacking Black journalists for questions he deemed “stupid.”

“Why should Black voters trust you after you’ve used language like that?” Scott said.

Trump responded defensively: “I don’t think I’ve ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner.” He called ABC a “fake news network” and dismissed Scott’s question as “disgraceful.”

Yes sure it’s the question that’s disgraceful, not the behavior the question is about.

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