Really though?

The Guardian reported on Friday:

Keir Starmer’s cabinet will have the highest number of state-educated and female ministers in history, as Rachel Reeves became the first female chancellor ever, although ethnic representation has fallen.

That sounds nice but what does it mean? Will the “female ministers” actually be women or will some or most or all of them be men who call themselves women? We don’t know, do we. Labour is adamant that men can be women, as is the Guardian, so we can’t assume that when they say they’re appointing a lot of female ministers they actually mean the “female” part.

The Labour veteran and Britain’s first black female MP, Diane Abbott, will become mother of the house in the new parliament, having served her Hackney North and Stoke Newington constituency for almost 40 years. More than 40% of seats in the Commons will be held by women, a record that includes 46% of Labour MPs and 24% of their Conservative counterparts.

But when you say “by women” what do you mean?

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