Radioactive hair

Police in Iran shoot a woman in the spine, paralyzing her, because they don’t like her hair.

The family of Arezou Badri, a 31-year-old woman shot by Iran’s police on July 22 for allegedly violating mandatory hijab laws, is under intense government pressure to withdraw their complaint.

Badri, a mother of two, was left paralyzed after the shooting, an incident that has ignited outrage both within Iran and on the international stage.

The family’s complaint regarding Badri, who suffered severe spinal cord injuries and remains hospitalized at Valiasr Hospital in Tehran, was heard in a court this week. However, the family remains dissatisfied with the outcome and the judicial process.

This is because she has hair on her head. Women have slutty whorey seductive catch-me fuck-me hair on their heads, because they’re sluts, so if they don’t wear a huge bandage on their hair to conceal it, the cops get to shoot them. Women are so evil it’s beyond belief.

A warrant for the confiscation of Badri’s vehicle over an earlier alleged hijab violation led police to open fire from the rear driver’s side.

Say what? How could a “hijab violation,” i.e. not wearing a thick bandage on the head concealing all but the face “lead” police to open fire on the woman not wearing the bandage?

It’s all futile anyway you know. It’s not women’s fault that men think about sex a lot. If you bandage the hair it will be something else that turns the men’s thoughts to sex. If you do away with all the women you won’t have any people left. It’s a mug’s game trying to make men stop thinking about sex.

The Information Center of the Mazandaran Police Command confirmed the police shooting at the car in which Badri was a passenger, stating that the driver “continued to flee despite police orders, prompting the police to shoot at the car according to the law on the use of firearms.”

Yeah see that’s not a good reason. If the police are hassling her for existing, they don’t therefore have the right to shoot her in the back for trying to get away from them. Iranian law may allow it, but some laws suck.

She has two kids. Now their mother is paralyzed and will probably die. Because she didn’t hide her hair from lecherous men.

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