R U diskrimminaTory?

Training medical staff to ignore physical realities:

Women are ‘transphobic’ if they do not want to share a bathroom with a transgender colleague, NHS staff have been told.

As always, the issue is male colleagues, not “transgender” colleagues.

Women’s rights campaigners wrote to NHS chief executive Amanda Pritchard to criticise the ‘partisan and ideological’ training and demand that it be amended earlier this month.

Last night, after being contacted by the Mail, the NHS admitted that it has since withdrawn the training module and that it will be replaced ‘in the next few weeks’. 

The training manual, which included five ‘case studies’, required staff to answer ten multiple-choice questions to test whether they are discriminatory.

In one section headed ‘transphobic colleague’, it gives an example of a member of NHS staff who does not wish to share a bathroom with a trans person.

But again, the issue is not trans, the issue is what sex the person is. Women don’t want to share bathrooms with men, for their own safety among other reasons. Men at least don’t have the same safety concerns.

The document states that this is ‘not acceptable’ and that asking whether trans staff can instead use gender-neutral or disabled toilets could constitute ‘illegal harassment’.

It adds: ‘It is always an individual’s choice to use whichever facilities match how they identify.’

Oh really. Then why isn’t it always an individual woman’s choice to use whichever facilities match the sex she is? Why does “how they identify” get to trump “the sex she is”? Why does “identify” matter more than “is”? Please do explain. By explain I don’t mean “utter stale phrases that don’t mean anything”; I mean explain.

In another section of the document it includes ‘pregnancy and maternity’ among a list of protected characteristics, but fails to use the words woman or mother. It reads: ‘People are protected against discrimination on the grounds of pregnancy and maternity during the period of their pregnancy and any statutory maternity leave.’

That’s not a failure, it’s a cold determined insulting refusal.

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