Politicize ALL the things

When doctors clash:

The British Medical Association has threatened the reputation of all UK doctors by rejecting the findings of the landmark Cass review of transgender healthcare, a leading member of the BMA has told the Observer.

Dr Jacky Davis claims that the doctors’ union’s stance on the Cass review is “irrational”, has created a “fracture” between its leadership and the grassroots doctors it represents, and left the medical profession “in an uproar”.

What is that stance? Fingers in the ears shouting NONONONONO

The BMA refused to endorse the findings of Dr Hilary Cass, whose review was published in April and was widely welcomed. It claimed the review contained “unsubstantiated recommendations” and its council called on members to “publicly critique” it.

Yeah and draw moustaches on it and call it names and say nobody wants to go out with it. Nyah.

The BMA is the only medical organisation in Britain to not accept and to find fault with Cass’s findings, which were accepted by the last government and its Labour successor. It has said that it wants to carry out its own evaluation.

By which it means it wants to continue to call it names and shout at it until everyone just gives up.

Doctors on the BMA’s ruling council who have dared to challenge its criticism of the Cass review have been subject to “abuse” and its decision-making body is now shrouded in “a climate of fear and intimidation”, Davis claims.

It’s all so…Pharyngula-like. So bizarrely childish and dogmatic and religionish. So political where it should be technical and abusive where it should be…not abusive.

The union has adopted its position on Cass because a campaign group called DoctorsVote, which has led the junior doctors’ pay strikes, has used political “entryism” to gain a significant influence over the BMA and dictate its policy, Davis alleges.

Ah, that’s their Pharyngula then. The hell with technical medical knowledge, let’s just make it all political all the time, with you being the evil right-wing demons and us being the always correct glorious left-wing angels.

H/t Acolyte of Sagan

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