Political not factual

How dare a woman expect a hostel for women to exclude men?

An Australian traveller in France who complained there was a trans woman in a female-only bathroom at their hostel was shocked to be told that she had broken the law by raising her concerns.

Melbourne woman Cassandra was visiting the French city of Lyon to watch the Olympics women’s soccer on July 26 and 27. 

She booked a women’s dorm and got there late at night when everyone was asleep.

On the first morning she was shocked to see a trans woman, who she initially thought was a man, in the bathroom. She asked to speak to the hostel manager.

Derp. A trans woman is a man. That’s what the “trans” bit means – it indicates a man who is either pretending to be a woman or deluded that he is a woman. It does not indicate a woman.

‘The manager said the hostel classified them (the guest) as a woman. He told me my stance was political and not factual.’

ExCUSE me??? We’re the ones with the “political” take here? Please. It’s “classifying” men as women that’s political and not factual.

However the hostel’s response – forwarded by Hostelworld – accused Cassandra of being in the wrong. 

‘This guest was transphobic,’ the hostel wrote. ‘What she did not mention is that the “man” that was in the bathroom was a woman (man who transitioned to woman so identifying as a woman which mean she IS a woman). Her personal opinion on the subject does not matter. In France, being transphobic is prohibited by law. She clearly refused to admit this person was a woman.’

Again, all backwards. No, “identifying as a woman” does NOT mean he IS a woman, it means he’s pretending or deluded. If he identified as a sewer rat that wouldn’t make him a sewer rat. If he identified as Marcel Proust that wouldn’t make him Marcel Proust.

And she’s not the one with the irrelevant “personal opinion.” She’s the one grounded in reality, while Monsieur Hostel Manager is trying to enforce a fiction as fact.

And she’s not the one who refused to admit anything. Monsieur Hostel Manager is the one refusing to admit this person is a man.

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