
Without brazen lies, where would this “movement” be?

“Tearful transgender athlete Valentina Petrillo unrepentant amid Paralympics scandal”

What would “she” have to be repentant for, asks “Zinnia.” Disingenuous question. For being a man cheating a woman by competing in a women’s race, as he knows perfectly well.

Nobody is expecting him to apologize for existing. Lying about what sex you are is not a synonym for “existing.” Lying about what sex you are is lying about what sex you are.

Nobody is expecting him to apologize for participating in society, either. Of course he can participate in society. What he can’t reasonably or fairly do is participate in society as a woman.

And in conclusion, calling him unapologetic is just an observation. We don’t want him to apologize, we want him to stop.

Same goes for Zinners of course. We want him to stop bullying women and telling stupid lies about what we’re saying.

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