One of the least sharp tools in the shed
At four minutes she says “If your concern is that men will attack women, then we’re talking about men attacking women, and by subterfuge trying to get in.”
Uh, yes. Of course that’s what we’re talking about. It always has been.
Oh oh oh but some trans women really do idennify as women, and they’re not there to attack women at all, and if you think they are, you’re transphobic, and you lose and we win so ha.
Also why are her arms so short? She’s barely able to clap them, which is sad because she keeps trying to. (I know that’s a mean question but then she’s being pretty mean to half of all humans, so there’s that.)
Well maybe she can share with all of us fuddy-duddies the new science that overturned the understanding of biology to which, beyond all reason, we’re so stubbornly clinging? Something more authoratative than a colourful infographic? While she’s at it, she could tell us how we distinguish between the predatory, opportunistic “men attacking women” kind of man, and the completely harmless “they’re not there to attack women at all” kind of men? I do wonder how she does it; after all, they’re all male. Does she have special glasses? Psychic intuition? No, just kidding. Of course, there’s no way to tell. The only safe, sane course of action is to keep all men out of all women’s spaces. Obviously she doesn’t think she’ll ever be in a situation where she will be vulnerable to the risks to which she’s willing to expose all other women. Lucky her!
She probably thinks she would just “reframe her trauma” which of course is easy to do, or at least think, if you don’t have any trauma to begin with. And you know, I’m glad that she’s comfortable with, or even proud of, her sexuality, but when you come to regard others’ discomfort with things you are fine with as somehow disreputable or even contemptible you’re well on the way to self-induced psychopathy. And, of course, the blanket refusal to acknowledge that male sexuality is dangerous to women is misogynist as hell.
They used to know what Schrödinger’s rapist meant.
You can’t tell just by looking. That’s the reason for the blanket rule. Duh.
Patronising along with ignorant. Always so thrilling to see in government.
not Bruce:
Oh, come on, have you even read Myers? HAVE YOU? He explains it all so clearly. You see, biology is messy and sex is a spectrum because XXY chromosomes and clownfish and fungi and they/them spiders. Now, what’s not to believe?
If mean remarks are allowed, let me observe that her arms seem short because she has a bosom that is surely a focus of the male gaze everywhere she goes.
Heh I know, that’s why I said it was a mean question. Very meow of me.