Now he gets it

Will Ferrell has regrets.

Will also said he’s “sure” he probably regrets “a fair amount” of his comedy choices. Namely, his impersonation of former United States Attorney General Janet Reno, which the interviewer said “hits a false note now.”

If you’re unfamiliar, Will would dress up as a woman and impersonate Reno as part of a regular SNL skit called “Janet Reno’s Dance Party.” 

Looking back, Will said: “That’s something I wouldn’t choose to do now.”

Why? Oh not because it’s insulting to women. Hahahahahahahahaha god no of course not. Insulting women doesn’t matter. No, because it’s insulting to trans women, of course.

“I had met trans people, but I didn’t have anyone personally in my life,” he said. “So this was all new territory for me, which is why I think this film is so exciting for us to kind of put out there in the world.”

“It’s a chance [for] all of us in the cis community to be able to ask questions and also just to listen and be there as a friend to discuss this journey,” he continued, echoed by Harper, who said the documentary “tells the story of a cis friend of a trans person who has to transition himself.”

It’s about a guy and a guy who pretends to be a woman. What could be more exciting to put out there in the world? Not a movie about a woman or two women, certainly. Yawwwwwwwwn.

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