Not bitter

If you do a Google news search for Rosie Duffield Michael Cashman you find headline after headline after headline on Cashman’s delayed punishment. It’s all so familiar, isn’t it – the endless bullying bullying bullying, and the impunity of the bullies. Cashman got away with it for days; it’s only because a lot of people screamed themselves hoarse that Starmer finally realized the poisonous sneer wasn’t just going to fade out of the collective memory.

So here’s some happier news.

Trans-Identified Male Who Exposed His Breasts At The White House Now Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Another Transgender Person

Ok so not better exactly, but…a little different.

The trans activist who received criticism for exposing his augmented breasts at the White House during a Pride event last June has now been accused of sexual assault. The alleged victim is a biological female who identifies as a “man.”

Hahaha of course she is. I shouldn’t laugh, but then they shouldn’t be such fools, should they.

That butt is not a male butt. I don’t know what the magicians put in there but whatever it is they put in a lot of it.

Anyway. There’s Biden saying [at 20 seconds] “[some of] the bravest and most inspiring people I’ve ever known.” I’m not sure about the “some of” because it’s mumbled, but I include it because surely he can’t possibly have said the bravest and most inspiring. But even “some of” is bad enough. What is so inspiring about them? What, in this political climate, is so brave about them? Why burble about how brave and inspiring they are when there are so many people in the world doing actually valuable things? What is all this trans bravery and inspiration in aid of? Narcissism. Vanity projects. Attention-seeking. Kicking up a fuss about nothing. Stealing other people’s rights. Giving yourself enormous buttocks. Swanning around in a tight dress. I see neither courage nor inspiration.

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