Nominees will have to pick a side

Adults tell twerps we’re not going to invent new categories of sex/gender idenniny just for twerps:

BAFTA has dealt a blow to nonbinary performers, deciding – after spending two years debating the thorny question of ‘gendered’ acting categories – that awards nominees will have to pick a side and choose whether they want to compete as ‘actors’ or ‘actresses‘. 

There are no “nonbinary performers”; there are only twerps who call themselves “nonbinary.”

The announcement places non-binary performers – like Emma Corrin, Emma D’Arcy and Bella Ramsey – in a tricky position. 

If they’re so non-binary why are they called Emma and Emma and Bella? Also why can’t the Mail decide whether there’s a hyphen in non-binary or not?

Check out the glam shot of “nonbinary” Emma Corrin in a tiny leotard and high heels. She looks pretty god damn binary to me.

Last year there was outrage after the Best British Artist shortlist was all-male.

Outrage from whom? How did anyone know the list was all-male?

The debate over gender neutral categories has proved to be a controversial one in recent years.

The Crown star Emma – who uses they/them pronouns – previously claimed that awards ceremonies aren’t ‘inclusive enough’ and said change would enable everyone to feel ‘acknowledged and represented.’

Actually no. More the opposite. The point here is to lavish extra attention on the small cohort of people vain and greedy enough to call themselves “nonbinary” and demand special treatment on those grounds.

Speaking to the BBC’s Today Programme about the possibility of gender neutral categories at major awards shows, Emma said: ‘I hope for a future in which that happens. I don’t think the categories are inclusive enough at the moment. It’s about everyone being able to feel acknowledged and represented.’

Emma added that more representation was needed within roles in the entertainment industry to encourage ‘more of an urgency’ around addressing the subject. They asked: ‘When it comes to categories, do we need to make it specific as to whether you’re being nominated for a female role or a male role?’

Yes, because otherwise women won’t get nominated at all.

This stupid brat grew up in a culture where women do manage to get some awards thanks to years of feminists pointing out that women exist too, so she takes it so much for granted that she wants to throw it out. She has no fucking clue.

Emma has identified as non-binary publicly since 2021, and has shared their journey with their gender identity publicly on social media.

The thespian told The Today Programme: ‘Your gender identity is so much to do with how you feel and it ties into so much of how you want to be seen or are seen by people and that can be very triggering or can make you uncomfortable if you don’t feel you are being seen honestly or correctly. I think that it was necessary for me to be open and honest about it because otherwise I would have felt I was being perceived wrongly.’

And we can’t have the thespian being perceived wrongly, now can we. Everyone on the planet is thinking about her all the time, so we have to get it right. She’s just that important. No really: she is.

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