New ways to make sure girls don’t win

Well you see by “inclusivity drive” we mean inclusion of more boys and no girls.

A leading Scottish school is facing a backlash after its head girl was replaced with a boy in what it claimed was an inclusivity drive.

It is an inclusivity drive – it’s more inclusive of boys.

Williamwood High School in East Renfrewshire has scrapped its positions of head boy and head girl and replaced them with two gender neutral “captains” who are elected by other pupils. Under the system, two of the three male candidates secured the posts while none of the four girls who put themselves forward were chosen.

So it’s inclusive of pupils who don’t want girls as heads or captains or bosses or leaders or whatever label the school comes up with.

The school is facing a backlash from parents and female pupils who claimed that girls are being denied opportunities under the supposedly “progressive” policy. Securing the posts can boost university applications and offer other opportunities such as public speaking.

Yes and that’s why they should all go to boys! Girls are no good at things like university and public speaking.

The school is currently in the process of applying for charter status from the controversial charity LGBT Youth Scotland, which advises against use of words such as boy and girl in classrooms. The organisation advises schools that terms such as “head pupil” are “more inclusive” as alternatives may distress pupils who identify as transgender or non-binary.

Ah. So that’s the real reason. Erasing girls from everything is more “inclusive” of hypothetical gender-magic pupils.

A spokesman for the council said: “Across all our schools, senior pupil leadership teams are in place to represent their peers. The composition of these leadership teams varies, with many schools across Scotland moving away from a head boy and a head girl to appointments of school captains to allow for greater equality.”

But that doesn’t allow for greater equality, you imbecile. Pay attention. It enables less equality, as in zero.

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