Neither “cis” nor “non-trans”
Grrrrr. Now we’re “non-trans women” – a subset of ourselves.
Sneak sneak sneak. Sneak in the “non-trans” bit as if it needs to be spelled out that women are not men who call themselves women. No thank you, that is surplus to requirements; we are women; men who pretend to be women are men.
Definitely regressive. For so much of human history, we’ve basically been ‘not men’. Now we’re ‘not men’ again, only this time the men we’re not wear dresses and affect a head tilt.
Worse than a subset of yourselves – you are now the negative, the non-, the ones that lack an attribute; trans women are now the positive state, the attribute-havers. What makes this nonsensical as well as insulting is that the trans in trans woman functions as a negating modifier, equivalent to non woman; so you are now non non women.