Manchester Evening Fictions

Newspapers should not lie to us.

And they should not lie to us even more when the lie is that women commit men’s crimes.

Manchester Evening News tells that very lie, repeatedly.

A judge has jailed a ‘dangerous’ woman for violent physical and sexual abuse.

The scare-quotes should be on “woman” on account of how the violent physical and sexual abuser is A MAN.

Angel Hill, 20, was handed an extended sentence for her crimes. Minshull Street Crown Court heard that Hill, who is transitioning from male to female, had demonstrated ‘violent, manipulative and controlling behaviour’.

He’s a man. Furthermore, he’s a man committing decidedly male crimes.

She pleaded guilty to assault by penetration, sexual assault, strangulation and threatening with a bladed article in relation to the victim. 

Oh really. Assault by penetration? Sure, it’s possible to use objects, but what “assault by penetration” generally suggests is rape, with a penis. Newspapers should not be lying and obfuscating this way, especially when it’s a matter of putting men’s loathsome crimes against women on women.

Manchester Evening News also for some reason obfuscates the sex of the victim, without even saying why.

In a statement read to the court, the victim told how the incidents had affected their mental health. Defending, Julian Goode said that the defendant is still a young person and has not yet reached full maturity.

Why is the victim a they? Why is the perp a she and the victim a they? Why report the case at all if you’re going to blur out most of the relevant facts?

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