Making life interesting

If you can’t find any racist incidents, just make one up!

The Telegraph three days ago:

The boss of an anti-racism charity has apologised after wrongly tweeting that a Muslim woman had been attacked with acid during rioting.

Nick Lowles, chief executive of Hope Not Hate, used Twitter on Saturday night to claim there had been reports of an acid attack in Middlesbrough.

“Reports are coming in of acid being thrown out of a car window at a Muslim woman in Middlesbrough. Absolutely horrendous,” Mr Lowles wrote.

Sounds a bit Owen Jonesish, doesn’t it. “Apsly howwendous, mate.”

The post was seen by more than 100,000 people. The post was flagged by Twitter with a community note which said: “The reports of an acid attack have been denied by local police.”

Not to mention no one popped up to say “No really it totally happened.”

The note contained a link to a Cleveland Police statement which said: “We are aware of commentary online regarding alleged acid attacks in Middlesbrough today.

“Cleveland Police has not, to date, received any formal complaint from any victim or anyone on their behalf.”

The statement added a caller had been in touch about a “possible incident” in central Middlesbrough but was unable to provide details including “the location, nature of the incident, registration number of any vehicle, or description of any occupants”.

Doesn’t give the cops much to go on, really.

M[r] Lowles’ claim was made in relation to a riot which took place in the tow[n], as violence continues to break out in areas across the UK, following the murder of three girls in Southport last week.

A mob in Middlesbrough shouted “smash the P—s” and “there ain’t no black in the Union Jack” while targeting the homes of migrants, while footage on social media from elsewhere in the city appeared to show groups of Asian men attacking white men.

Isn’t that enough, without making up “incidents”?

The MP for Harborough, Oadby and Wigston told GB News: “This was an incredibly irresponsible thing to do, spreading misinformation and pouring petrol on the flames.”

Boys just wanna have fun.

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