Lookada pitty twain

It would be quicker to list what’s not “transphobia.”

The Telegraph:

LNER spent £58,000 repainting one of its trains with a rainbow-themed Pride livery, it has emerged.

The cost of the Pride rebranding was revealed after a passenger sent a freedom of information (FoI) request asking the government-owned train company for more information about it.

58 THOUSAND quid. Just think of all the useful things one could do with that kind of money.

But instead of answering Carol Fossick’s other detailed questions, a senior LNER manager wrote back and labelled her “transphobic” after trawling through her social media posts.

I’m not a Mormon. I think the content of Mormonism is silly. Is that phobic?

I don’t take part in pyramid schemes. I think pyramid schemes are a surefire way to lose money. Is that phobic?

I was never a girl scout. I don’t regret it. Is that phobic?

Maya Forstater, the chief executive of the charity Sex Matters, said: “LNER’s refusal to respond to an FoI request on the basis that the requester had expressed views that challenge gender ideology was disgraceful and discriminatory.

“It’s appalling to see one of the UK’s largest transport companies losing touch with reality to the extent that it sees a focus on ‘binary sex divisions’ and criticism of its expensively clad Pride train as ‘vexatious’ and appropriate grounds for refusal. This attempt at thought-policing passengers for blaspheming against the rainbow suggests a corporate culture that is more akin to a medieval church than a modern business.”

Exactly so; that’s why I brought Mormonism into it. We don’t have to join your church; you don’t get to force it on us.

Ms Fossick’s questions to LNER included requests for things such as “information about LNER’s diversity initiatives, including the demographics of their staff and the selection process for future train designs” as well as the composition of the panel which decided how to rebrand the train.

When LNER refused to reveal anything other than the cost of the whole exercise, she asked it to reconsider.

A senior manager wrote back to brand her “vexatious” and said: “Since you submitted your internal review, your subsequent social media posts have demonstrated views that indicate a bias against transgender individuals.”

Yo, spending 58 THOUSAND pounds on painting a train trans-color demonstrates an inability to spend the public’s money reasonably.

An LNER spokesman said: “The Together train celebrates support of Pride activities on the route as part of our long-term commitment to diversity, equality and inclusion initiatives for colleagues, customers and communities.”

No, it doesn’t. It really doesn’t. It does the opposite of that, and does it with hostile energy. It’s not “diversity” or “equality” or “inclusion” to obsess over people who pretend to be the opposite sex while ignoring every other disregarded set of people on the planet. Paint a god damn train in women’s colors or workers’ colors for a change, then tell us how keen on equality and diversity you are.

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