Legal action over telling the truth

The march of stupidity continues.

A Victorian breastfeeding expert is facing legal action over a series of social media posts denying that transgender women can breastfeed.

Jasmine Sussex is being taken to Queensland’s Civil and Administrative Tribunal by a trans mother after labelling attempts by transwomen to breastfeed their children “experimental’’ and calling it a “dangerous fetish”.

Ms Sussex raised concerns about Queensland trans mother Jennifer Buckley – who was born male but later transitioned into a woman – taking hormones to grow breasts and induce lactation to breastfeed her newborn baby.

No he didn’t “transition into a woman” – there is no such thing. He later started to pretend to be a woman.

The Victorian woman is preparing to be called before the Tribunal after Ms Buckley alleged that she had vilified her online, calling her statements “hurtful”.

Hurtful shmurtful. Try thinking about the wellbeing of the baby instead of your revolting fetish, dude.

Ms Buckley said she had begun transitioning but was able to conceive using IVF, meaning she is the biological father.

Imagine being a journalist and writing that ridiculous sentence.

She began taking hormones to stimulate milk production as her wife prepared to give birth because she wanted to breastfeed as well.

“For the past 6 weeks I have been taking a drug called domperidone to increase prolactin in an attempt to be able to produce breast milk so that I can have the experience of breastfeeding,” she wrote in a Facebook post. The drug domperidone is traditionally an anti-nausea medication.

And it’s just a brilliant idea to feed a baby superfluous medications so that its selfish piggy father can pretend to be a mommy.

Ms Buckley, who described herself as a “loving mother of a beautiful little boy”, told the Saturday Herald Sun her wife had encouraged her to try breastfeeding following advice from her endocrinologist. She said she was told it was “no different to inducing lactation in non-pregnant mothers or those mothers who are not producing enough milk”.

The people who told him that are insane. Of course it’s different from inducing lactation in women. Women can lactate; men cannot lactate. Inducing artificial “lactation” passes the artifice on to the baby, which is not a good idea. Primum non nocere, remember?

They’ve all lost their damn minds.

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