Legacy media bristles

The Respectable Meeja continue to pretend Trump is normal.

Journalist Parker Molloy recently detailed the media’s extensive efforts to “rationalize Trump’s incoherent statements,” tracing back to his catastrophic covid response. The Atlantic’s editor in chief, Jeffrey Goldberg, wrote back in June about the media’s “bias toward coherence” when covering Trump. But the question still remains why the press insists on covering Trump like a normal politician.

Legacy media bristles at the accusation that they treat Trump more generously than past presidential candidates, both Democrat and Republican. New York Times publisher AG Sulzberger claimed in a recent self-serving Post op-ed that Democrats want his paper to “cast aside neutrality and directly oppose [Trump’s] reelection.“ But that’s a strawman argument. The problem isn’t that the Times is “neutral.” The problem is that the Times in particular artificially balances the scales with coverage that makes it seem as if Kamala Harris is running against a normal Republican candidate, a wacky, off-color Mitt Romney.

Because, it seems, if they reported on him without artificial “balance” it would come across as unbalanced aggression. It’s such a fine trap, from Trump’s point of view. He’s exaggeratedly awful, incompetent, stupid, abusive, mendacious, corrupt, sadistic – so if you point that out you look “biased” and he looks like the victim. The worse he is the less the media can afford to say how bad he is.

A common defense of the media’s Trump coverage is that it’s almost impossible to detail every awful thing he says and does. But there’s a consistent narrative through line with Trump: He’s a criminal who’d use the power of the presidency to seek revenge on his enemies. That’s not complicated, and his every action supports this thesis. The mainstream media simply chooses to ignore the obvious.

It’s not complicated, and it’s true, but if they say it they’ll get yelled at.

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