Leaving female competitors in the shade

Men take top three prizes in women’s race:

Transgender athletes swept the board in a 1-2-3 at a prestigious women’s cycle race over the weekend, infuriating fans and leaving female competitors in the shade.

Male transgender athletes that is. I wish journalism would learn to be clear about this, because confusion is one of the ways trans ideology has managed to steal so much from women already.

Every medalist in the elite women’s Madison at Washington’s Marymore Grand Prix on Friday had a trans athlete on the two–person team, marking the first time trans women are known to have had a place on every podium spot in a race.

Race venue the Jerry Baker Memorial Velodrome in Redmond warns it will not tolerate ‘bullying or derogatory comments especially related to race, creed, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, physical or mental disability’.

It’s Marymoor, not Marymore. It’s one of my favorite parks – the one where you can walk along Samammish Slough all the way to where it empties into Lake Washington. Takes a few buses to get there, but worth it.

Anyway, nice to know the velodrome will tolerate the bullying of female athletes but not the mentioning of male athletes doing the bullying.

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