Just a guy who likes to have some fun

Aw yeah, Donald Trump as the guy who “isn’t stodgy, who likes to have some fun, and likes to tell some jokes” about women and other inferiors.

It’s telling that Vance’s notion of a freewheeling, lighthearted campaign involves disparaging political opponents with baseless slander and sexist screeds.

For example, Vance took a typically cheap shot at Harris prior to her interview with CNN’s Dana Bash. He posted a 2007 clip of Miss South Carolina Teen USA Caitlin Upton bombing an answer to a question about why Americans couldn’t find their own country on a map. He wrote: “BREAKING: I have gotten ahold of the full Kamala Harris CNN interview.”

Vance’s “joke” was lousy politics that distracted from any actual gaffes Harris might’ve made. (You’ll note that the Harris social media team consistently hangs Vance with his own awful words.) When Berman later reminded Vance that Upton is a real person, who was so humiliated by the 2007 incident that she contemplated suicide, Vance expressed zero remorse and refused to apologize.

“Look, I’ve said a lot of things on camera; I’ve said a lot of stupid things on camera,” he said. “Sometimes when you’re in the public eye, you make mistakes. And again, I think the best way to deal with it is to laugh at ourselves, laugh at this stuff and try to have some fun in politics.”

Laugh at ourselves, sure, but he isn’t doing that, and Trump never does that. What Trump does, constantly and often and with sadistic enthusiasm, is laugh at other people, especially women and other weaklings. He’s not a good guy who laughs at himself and is trying to have some fun in politics, he’s a sadistic bully who has jeered at other people his entire life.

It’s in telling contrast to the collective MAGA freakout when Tim Walz joked in a video about his limited spice palate and affection for “white guy tacos.” Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Megyn Kelly and other right-wingers accused Walz of “self-loathing” anti-white bigotry. These are people who don’t appreciate or even comprehend self-deprecating humor, because for them, humor is solely another form of exerting dominance over people who are more vulnerable.

Exerting dominance plus casual sadism. Don’t ever forget about the casual sadism, because it matters.

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