Its wider equality policy that forgets women
Queen’s University Belfast Trans Equality FAQ:
As part of its wider Equality and Diversity Policy, Queen’s University (“the University”) is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming community where staff and students are enabled to meet their full potential and are treated as individuals.
This includes providing advice, support and understanding to those individuals who have transitioned, are transitioning, or are planning to transition, are non-binary, intersex or gender non-conforming.
That’s nice. Does it also include those individuals who are women?
It doesn’t seem to. On the Diversity and Inclusion page (which links to the Trans Equality page which links to the Trans Equality FAQ page) we get a link to Menopause, but we do not get a link to Women and Equality, and thus no link to the Women and Equality FAQ page. I take it there are no such pages. Why do trans people get a nice selection of sub pages while women get only…menopause?
There is a Gender Equality page, but it’s weirdly shy about what it means by Gender Equality. One gets the feeling that Queens thinks women have already won their fight and really don’t deserve or need any more attention from the equality squad. I, for one, get the feeling Queens thinks women are the establishment, while trans people are the exciting important fabulous people these days. Women are Mummy, trans people are glitter and sex and balloon-tits.
Every woman is by definition ‘gender nonconforming’ – it would be impossible for any woman to meet every gender expectation. Probably true for pretty much every man as well, so I guess this policy covers everyone.
Why this public advertisement of ‘We’re going to coddle you, whoever you are’ – and, doubtless, whether you like it or not? The task of a university is to encourage research & scholarship in a variety of fields and to teach students how to conduct it. This obviously involves respecting students, as it also involves respecting instructors. That is, or should be, sufficient. Where a trade is concerned, I doubt that plumbers (not an easy job if you want to do it well) would be obsessively poring over their apprentices’ private lives in order to provide ’support’ where any private predilection that has no bearing on what is being taught and learned is concerned.
That’s a very good question. Why indeed. I wonder if it’s because the people in charge are so fervently trying to believe that men can be women that they start feminizing everything they touch. Women=nurturing; trans ideology is mostly about men who pretend to be women; we MUST nurture the men just as their mommies did when they were three years old.