Institutional cowardice at every level

Oliver Brown is icily clear:

“This was a dream,” says Valentina Petrillo, who today became a Paralympic sprinter at the age of 51, “that I had since I was a little girl.” Except this is an athlete who was never a little girl in the first place. The Italian is a father-of-two who was still competing at 45 as a male, who won national titles in men’s track and field, and whose self-portrayal in 2021 was of a “tough guy who would speak dismissively of women, who would have given you the idea he was sexist”. And yet on Monday morning at the Stade de France, Petrillo, courtesy of institutional cowardice at every level, lined up in the visually-impaired classification of the 400 metres as a woman.

There is no biological ambiguity about Petrillo. Here is a figure who, in a documentary aired this summer, announced to the interviewer: “You can see I’m a man.” Here is somebody who accepts that women are entitled to feel “astonishment, confusion and doubt” about this indefensible state of affairs, acknowledging: “These doubts and questions are legitimate.”

But he does it anyway, because he wants to and the god damn women-hating fools let him do it.

How is it that all the putative “progressives” who cheer this on are not perturbed by the glaringly obvious fact that the people harmed by it are women and women only? This is an entirely one-way injustice, that allows men to cheat women, because only men can cheat in this particular way. Why does the ever-expanding list of women cheated out of wins and prizes and places on the podium and scholarships and careers and all the rest of it not bother them? They can’t be stupid enough to miss the structural injustice, the fact that men can do this to women while women cannot do it to men, so how do they manage to be so happy with it?

If you know the answer, let us all know.

What magnifies women’s anger is the fact that the Petrillo affair at the Paralympics was easily avoidable. Last March, World Athletics acted on multiple scientific studies by restricting international women’s competition exclusively to those born female. But the policy offered by World Para Athletics (WPA) is nothing like so stringent. In reply to questions from Telegraph Sport, a spokesman for the governing body gave no reason for the divergence, claiming that they could not comment on the rules of others.

Meaning, of course, that they don’t want to. Shut up and take it, bitches.

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