Include the players with no feet

How is this even a question? How is there arguing over it?

Of course you can’t have across the board “inclusion” in sports, because the whole point of sports is to exclude the less skilled.

You can have inclusion at the start – everyone can compete – but you can’t go on having it forever, because contests are either lost or won.

You can have athletic activities that aren’t competitive, and those can be as inclusive as you like, but when the sport is all about competing, then that’s what it’s about. One side has the ball and the other side tries to get it away from them. One side has the puck and the other side tries to grab it. One swimmer is faster than all the others. This is the point of sports, which is one reason I never liked it as a child. If your idea of social justice is total inclusion at all times then sports are not to your taste either.

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