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BBC weirdness. It does a story on a huge protest in Trafalgar Square organized by Tommy Robinson

Thousands of supporters of the far-right activist Tommy Robinson have filled Trafalgar Square in central London after a march. He claimed the event was the “biggest patriotic rally” the UK had ever seen.

A counter-protest by Stand Up To Racism and former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s Peace & Justice Project also took place in London. The Metropolitan Police said a major operation was in place to “keep the peace” between the two protests, amid fears of serious disruption.

But don’t worry – that doesn’t exhaust the full list of protests.

A Trans Pride event was also held in the capital.

Ok, got it. Two opposing rallies that could have clashed with each other, and oh by the way there was also the 40 thousandth Trans Pride march.

There’s a photo of the Tommy Robinson march and…a photo of the Trans Pride march.

There’s no further mention of the Trans Pride march, which clearly has nothing to do with anything, but by god a photo of it is right up there near the top, because HEY, sorry to interrupt, but TRANS PRIDE.

Many many short BBC paragraphs down there is finally a photo of the counter-protest. Obviously the unrelated TRANS PRIDE march gets top billing while the competing march that’s actually relevant is shunted to the bottom of the page.

The BBC is permanently drunk these days.

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