How we got here

Godalmighty. If only people would learn how to think. Just a little would do.

“There are a number of people who genuinely believe that they are trapped in the wrong body and they want to be recognized as the gender that their mind and soul has always told them that they are.”

One, she doesn’t know how many people “genuinely” believe that. Two, so what? People can “genuinely believe” all kinds of stupid shit; it doesn’t follow that we have to act as if their beliefs were true. Who even has the time? There are so many wack beliefs out there, we can’t possibly keep up. But more to the point, we shouldn’t keep up. We shouldn’t humor people, much less encourage them, in absurd beliefs. In the long run it’s not good for them, and in all runs it’s not good for us. How about they humor us for a change instead? “That is bullshit: you are your body, it’s not some separate thing you sit in, like a car.”

And we especially shouldn’t humor stupid beliefs when they are harmful, and that goes times a billion when they cancel the rights of the despised half of humanity.

And people in Gillard’s line of work have no business telling us to lie for the sake of people with silly beliefs about themselves. It’s not fair to us. We don’t have any duty to pretend it’s not childish nonsense to insist you’re in the wrong body. Everybody out of the pool, it’s time to grow up now.

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