How to do worthless research on purpose

Via Rev David Brindley, another case of researchers sabotaging their own research by including men in a study of women.

Submissions sought from ‘anyone who identifies as a woman, though they may have a different sex at birth’

Biological males who identify as female, and their doctors, are being encouraged to take part in a Victorian taxpayer-funded inquiry that was set up to investigate women’s pain, including chronic issues like endometriosis and menopause.

So they’re deliberately making their own research useless.

So what’s the point? Why not skip the whole thing?

The move has been panned by Women’s Forum Australia chief executive Rachael Wong, who said it “makes a mockery of women’s pain and women are understandably angry”.

“It’s absurd to have to state the obvious, but it is physiol­ogically impossible for men to experience female health conditions or the pain that comes with them,” she said.

“Many of these conditions, like endometriosis, fibroids and PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), have a devastating impact on women’s quality of life, yet are under-diagnosed and under-treated.”

So why kneecap the study?

Maybe they’ve arranged things so that the data from the men are quietly separated from the real data? Maybe it’s all for show and the findings are thrown out while the men aren’t looking?

It is understood the decision to include transgender people in the inquiry was made after the government received backlash for not being inclusive enough during its Women’s Health Survey in 2023.

A Victorian government spokesman said: “A range of demographic data is being collected … to ensure recommendations are robust and reflect the diversity of women’s experiences of pain.”

Don’t be so childish. The diversity of women’s experiences of pain has nothing to do with men’s experiences of pain. If you want to do a study on people’s experience of pain then include trans women by all means, but this is said to be a study on women’s experience of pain. Pick one.

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