History repeating

Oh god not this again.

Hindus in Bangladesh Face Revenge Attacks After Prime Minister’s Exit

Hindus in Bangladesh, perceived by many to be supporters of the prime minister who was ousted in a popular uprising, braced for violent reprisals on Wednesday as the rudderless country awaited the formation of a new government after a month of unrest.

The former prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, fled Bangladesh on Monday after a violent crackdown failed to quell a nationwide movement against her government. As thousands of protesters celebrated her ouster that afternoon, reports began to emerge of retaliation against members of Ms. Hasina’s party, the Awami League, and against those seen as her allies, including the Hindu minority.

In addition to the party’s offices and the homes of its members, the rioters targeted Hindus, torching their homes and vandalizing temples, according to witnesses and local media. Fears of more attacks were amplified in the absence of a government and with law enforcement retreating from sight in many parts of the country.

Not to mention the long bloody history of Hindu v Muslim and Muslim v Hindu violence in the subcontinent.

Rana Das Gupta, who leads an organization of Bangladesh’s religious minorities, said attacks toward Hindus had resulted in at least two deaths and more than 100 injured.

“Some of those whose homes were attacked may be directly involved in Awami League politics, but most are ordinary Hindus,” he said. “Therefore, this is definitely communal and targeted violence.”

Meenakshi Ganguly, the deputy director for Asia at Human Rights Watch, described the reports of violence against Hindus as “extremely concerning.”

“Hindus are apparently being attacked because they traditionally supported her Awami League party. Bangladeshis came out on the streets to demand an end to authoritarianism, and these attacks undermine their just demand for human rights,” she said in a statement.

Tensions between Muslims and Hindus in Bangladesh have boiled over in the past, including violent clashes across the country in 2021.


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