His own weird, smoky, pet-munching interior hellscape

Dahlia Lithwick has a nice summing-up:

The contrast was underscored by perhaps the most arresting moment of the debate. In the closing statements, Harris offered up a philosophy of leadership for Americans trying to get a handle on who she is for the first time: “I started my career as a prosecutor. I was a DA. I was an attorney general. A United States senator. And now vice president. I’ve only had one client. The people. And I’ll tell you, as a prosecutor I never asked a victim or a witness, ‘Are you a Republican or a Democrat?’ The only thing I ever asked them: ‘Are you OK?’ ”

Donald Trump doesn’t care if you are OK, because he only cares that he is OK. He is not capable of imagining a world outside his own weird, smoky, pet-munching interior hellscape. He never could. On Tuesday, Harris told millions of American women who have been serially insulted by Samuel Alito and their state legislators, and then not even deemed worthy of being addressed with a “you” statement in Trump’s staged answer, that they were seen and that their experiences count for something. Harris looked at the camera and said simply that it is not enough to be handed off to a different Big Daddy when your needs and demands and basic human rights are exigent and life-altering. And that moment won the debate.

It’s true. Nothing outside Donald Trump is real to Donald Trump.

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