HIS human rights??

William “Lia” Thomas lost.

Lia Thomas, the swimmer who became the first transgender winner of an American collegiate title, has had her case against new World Aquatics rules dismissed by the Court Of Arbitration of Sport.

World Aquatics banned transgender swimmers from the elite female category if they had undergone any part of male puberty following Thomas’s NCAA win in 2022, an intervention which ended Thomas’s hopes of ever competing in women’s swimming events at the Olympics.

As is only right.

Thomas responded by lodging a legal challenge with Cas in September of last year, arguing that the rules were “invalid and unlawful” because they were discriminatory and contrary to the Olympic Charter and European Convention of Human Rights. Cas, however, has dismissed the case after concluding that the rules applied only to World Aquatics elite events or world records, and otherwise had “no impact” on athletes.

Let’s hope this is the last we ever hear from that horrible man.

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