He’s their sister now

Ah yes, the “Oops I just realized I’m a woman” defense.

A member of the police force in Basque Country, Spain, has been arrested for attempting to murder his wife in front of the couple’s two daughters. Following the horrific crime, the family learned that Jose* had changed his legal sex in an apparent effort to avoid harsher penalties for domestic violence.

The Basque Government Security Department has confirmed that the attack took place in San Sebastián in the early hours of Saturday morning. Jose threatened to harm his daughters, one of whom is an infant, before grabbing a kitchen knife “of considerable dimensions” and attempting to harm his wife with it. Fortunately, the woman was able to locate some pepper spray that was in the house and used it to defend herself and the baby by pepper spraying Jose in the face. She grabbed the baby and ran, but not before Jose took the other child hostage.

The police rescued the other child and arrested José for attempted homicide. José promptly revealed that haha he’s a woman now.

According to El Correo, Jose requested to be treated according to the protocols established for the arrest of women, revealing that he had changed his sex marker to “female” last November without his family or friends being aware. Though he had not changed his name or appearance, Jose is recorded as a “female” in the Civil Registry.

While unconfirmed, there is some speculation that Jose changed his legal sex to avoid certain penalties for the domestic violence he had been long subjecting his wife and daughters to.

In Spain, males who assault or murder women can be charged with “gender based violence,” a specific crime which emerged in Spain to tackle the nation’s overwhelming struggle with femicide and domestic violence.

So what happens? Men identify themselves as the very people they’re trying to wipe out, so that femicide and domestic violence can continue.

Now is it clear how regressive and woman-hating this ideology is???

This is the second case in the past month where a man in Spain changed his gender marker in an apparent attempt to avoid harsher penalties for crimes against women.

The ironies are so many and so horrible they’re hard to keep track of.

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