He was sitting at lots of other places

Trump pissing all over the landscape:

In an appearance on Fox News early Wednesday morning, former President Donald J. Trump called the Democratic ticket of Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota “communist” and suggested he was willing to debate Ms. Harris anywhere, despite having pulled out of a scheduled debate.

Well by “anywhere” he means…anywhere unless he doesn’t like it.

In the interview, on “Fox & Friends,” Mr. Trump repeated an attack that he has made many times before and that has been criticized as antisemitic, saying any Jewish person who voted for Democrats “should have their head examined.”

“He’s probably about the same as Bernie Sanders,” he said of Mr. Walz’s ideology. “He’s probably more so than Bernie Sanders. She is more so than Bernie Sanders. That’s got to be your guy, Bernie Sanders, and that’s not a great guy. But there has never been a ticket like this. This is a ticket that would want this country to go communist immediately, if not sooner.”

That’s a good one – immediately, if not sooner. Good job, Don. I like the repeated “probablys,” too, indicating as they do that he’s just making shit up, as usual. Also the “go communist” thing is sheer fantasy. He goes on to cite conformity to trans dogma, which is likely true and a bitter pill, but not a reason to vote for Trump.

He then suggested that he planned to debate Ms. Harris, a few days after he wrote in a social media post that he would drop out of a scheduled debate on ABC News and suggested one on Fox News instead.

“I don’t know how she debates. I heard she’s sort of a nasty person,” he said, repeating an insult that he has used against several women, including Hillary Clinton, the former Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly and the ABC News correspondent Rachel Scott. “But not a good debater. But we’ll see, because we’ll be debating her, I guess, in the pretty near future. It’s going to be announced fairly soon.”

He “heard” she’s sort of a nasty person – which is to say she has the unmitigated temerity to go up against him.

The Fox News hosts also asked Mr. Trump to respond to a criticism Mr. Walz made at his and Ms. Harris’s rally on Tuesday night. Mr. Trump “never sat at that kitchen table like the one I grew up at, wondering how we were going to pay the bills,” Mr. Walz said. “He sat at his country club in Mar-a-Lago wondering how he could cut taxes for his rich friends.”

Mr. Trump said he had built businesses and created jobs, claimed falsely that his administration was “the most successful administration from the economy standpoint there ever was,” and pointed to inflation under President Biden.

“I was not always sitting at Mar-a-Lago, either,” he added. “I was sitting at lots of other places.”

Hahahahahahaha now that’s a great punchline. Well done, NYTimes.

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