He wants to make it personal

Trump explains to his advisors that he can’t take their advice because he’s too stupid.

DONALD TRUMP HAS NO PLANS TO HEED the advice of his aides and limit himself to policy contrasts when he debates Kamala Harris. He wants to make it personal.

“This is just the way I am. I hate my opponent. I hate my opponents,” Trump told a confidant who advised the former president to consider backing away from calling the vice president “stupid” or “dumb” at their high-profile standoff in a few weeks, which he has done repeatedly.

Trump explained to the confidant that he’s treating Harris the same way he did Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. “Hillary, Joe, Kamala. It doesn’t matter. I just hate them.”

That’s toddler-talk. Normal people, adult people, know better than to admit that kind of thing, because they know how repellent it is.

I suppose people like it in Trump because it’s “real” – it’s a break from adult inhibitions or hypocrisies. He’s not fake.

But the thing is, those inhibitions aren’t just hypocrisy. They’re morality, too. It’s not good to heap abuse on people, it’s not good to jab and poke and bully.

On the other hand a lot of Murricans love it, so there’s that.

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