He wants stacks of bodies

Trump has this pattern of trying or hoping to get people executed. He did it to the Central Park 5, and now we learn he did it to staffers.

Former White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin has disclosed that Donald Trump repeatedly mused out loud about executing people at several meetings while she worked for him during his presidency.

The former communications director for the Trump administration told the outlet she had been at a meeting at which he “straight up said a staffer who leaked … should be executed”, referring to an anonymously sourced report that the former president had gone into a secure bunker at the White House at the height of the racial justice protests prompted by a Minneapolis police officer’s murder of George Floyd.

Ah yes, the death penalty for denting the vanity of the dictator. Highly appropriate and sane.

During the final three months of Trump’s first term

Let me stop you right there. What’s this “first term” shit? He’s only had the one.

During the final three months of Trump’s first term, the US executed 13 federal prisoners by lethal injection – a significant acceleration in the use of the death penalty by the federal government.

Prior to that, only three people had been executed since 1963. But under the Trump administration, the federal government allowed any method of execution that was legal in the state where the death penalty was being carried out.

So he’s had the joy of killing 13 people. We know he was and is profoundly gratified by this treat.

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