Guest post: There’s no undoing any of this

Originally a comment by Artymorty on There she is now.

There’s not going to be any recovery from this, for groups like Amnesty to have gotten basic women’s rights this wrong. If the people in charge of these groups were ever reasonable, if they were perhaps too afraid at first to challenge the young zealots in their staff, and somehow unable fully grasp the magnitude of what they were conceding, it’s too late to turn back now — the lunatics have well and truly taken over. They’re so deep in it, there’s no undoing any of this. Amnesty International is a massive NGO, and I genuinely don’t think their reputation can recover. How are they ever going to walk this back? “Oops, we accidentally declared that women have no human rights, but we’d like you to still trust us as advocates for human rights”? That’s simply not going to happen.

So that’s it: Amnesty is gone, forever. Same for UN Women. Same for countless others.

So much of the institutional infrastructure of the global human rights movement is being completely destroyed by gender madness. Completely destroyed.

This is not a good sign for the continuation of free society.

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